Our Greatest Good – That Others May Prosper
If I’ve intended to accomplish one thing in this entire ten-part series it’s this: develop your ability to care for others. This is our greatest good. And specifically, as it relates to achieving your future goals, this is how to keep the joy in your achievement from fading.
As you move forward with goal setting and achievement, build this facet into your plan so that your impact will increase and your joy will follow. It is accomplished as the subtitle suggests: so that others may prosper. Take your goal and help someone become better as a result of it. Can it happen every time? Maybe not. But it can certainly happen most times.
I know the cynic sees this as a big warm kum-by-yah, but science and common sense have shown us that this is the gateway to lasting happiness.
A Cautionary Tale
Goal setting is a lot like the holidays; if you dread the holidays, chances are it’s because you anticipate feeling lonely or unfulfilled which leads to depression. In the same way, goal achievement that’s not connected to some higher purpose or meaning can leave us in a similar place. But now we have an approach to solve that!
Paying it Forward
Generativity is the psychological idea that you’ll pass on what you’ve learned to someone else so they can achieve like you did. That’s why I’m a HUGE fan of mentoring after a big goal. As you share your insights, you will feel like the work had FAR MORE VALUE as you watch it influence those that are listening and striving to do the same.
Punch line? As you move forward with goal setting and achievement, take your success and help someone’s life improve as a result of it. Build this facet into your plan so that your impact will increase and your joy will follow.
I hope you enjoyed this 10 part series of goal setting and achievement.
This is the tenth and final part of a series taken directly from “The Rewired Group – Coaching Experience“.