We need to get happy. I used to think it was shallow, or unspiritual, but I am beginning to see the need for it.
I’m not losing the distinction between happy [shallow] and joy [deep] – but that’s a talk for another day.
I listened to an AMAZING podcast last week on Wellbeing. Wellbeing is all about good living and happiness. Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson hosted Marian L. Tupy, editor of HumanProgress.org. Marian is also a senior fellow at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, and coauthor of The Simon Project. He specializes in globalization and global well‐being and politics and economics of Europe and Southern Africa.
The title of the podcast: Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know.
Ok, so why was this so impressive? There are MASSIVELY good things going on in the world.
I mean – I’m going way off script here as a Performance coach / Business coach / Consultant. Sometimes, you don’t need a motivational tool, a blueprint for change, or a guru to guide you. What you need is the TRUTH about how good things are. We are all starving for news like this. I mean, c’mon people – when are we going to pull the plug on the media for stirring this pot of vitriol?
This is alarming. I just Googled, “Stop listening to divisive vitriol from the media.” Here is what Google came up:
It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search.
Really Google? Wow. Meanwhile, this brilliant podcast goes on to discuss things like the end of poverty, the abundance of food, and the rise in democracy. People are no longer starving except for political reasons [mind you, I did not say, “people are no longer starving”].
We are not starving for food. We are starved for truth and common sense.
We need to marinade our minds in the good stuff – wherever we may find it. Our only hope for better mental health is to listen to alternative sources to the mainstream media to balance the narrative. They are onto us – they know we have a Negativity bias which draws us to bad news like a moth to the fire.
We gotta confront the Apocalyptic Narrative! Sure, let’s open our ears to real issues and have informed discussions. But let’s end on this note: there’s still a TON of good news in the world and in the USA!
Talk it up.